- D.H.Lawrence
- D.H.Lawrence
- Albert Schweitzer
What is ethics?
According to the Cambridge English dictionary, ethics is:
‘the study of what is morally right or wrong, or a set of beliefs of what is morally right or wrong’.The term ‘ethics’ is about knowing what is right or wrong and being able to make business decisions accordingly. It implies having a set of moral codes or principles that decisions are based on. It requires a delicate balance between what is right for the individual and what is right for the organisation, the community, and the country.
Given the cultural diversity of the South African landscape we also need to consider the potential differences in these sets of beliefs and develop them into a unified set of beliefs for the betterment of all.
This unified set of beliefs needs to be communicated in easy-to-understand language to help set, create and reaffirm ethical habits in the home and business community of today. Ethical habits can only endure through accountability and creating or sustaining an ethical culture in the workplace relies on an organisational environment that promotes transparency and positive ethical behaviour.